
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Maria poljar” ,找到相关结果约83663条。
Lali?, Ivana,Tomljanovi?, Tea,poljar, Maria
- , 2011,
Abstract: Sa?etak Zooplankton communities were investigated in a turbid shallow lake with an aim to analyze (i) relationships between ecological conditions and the communities and (ii) trophic state inferred from abiotic and biotic indicators. According to results emerged littoral vegetated zone increased diversity (30 taxa) in comparison to the pelagial (17 taxa). Rotifers dominated in terms of diversity and abundance in littoral and pelagial, 15 and 27 taxa, 58 and 71%, respectively. Thus, they were chosen for approximation of the system trophic level according to their feeding preferences exhibited as guild ratio. Mean guild ratios in littoral (– 0.36) and pelagial (– 0.31) suggested the prevalence of microfagous rotifers. They fed mostly on bacteria and detritus suspension, thus together with environmental parameters indicated high trophic level of the lake. It is supposed that turbidity resulted from anthropogenic eutrophication has affected biocoenosis assemblage, not only zooplankton but also the primary producers and the fishes
Kattakulov, Farrukh,Razakov, Rustam,poljar, Maria
- , 2017,
Abstract: Sa?etak The main goal of this study was to present positive and negative influences of irrigation process, as one of the widespread applied method in the melioration. High population growth demands high food production and thus stimulates modern massively agricultural economy. Irrigation as remarkable measure from ancient time and recently became over exceed, and these concomitant negative influences should be reduced or escaped. This publication is a survey of appropriate and sustainable irrigation methods based on the improvement of ecological conditions and optimizing the use of land and water resources. Water deficit is especially expressed in semi-arid regions and requests rational use of water. Thereby, macrophytes, as well known intermediates in water purification are presented in cleaning of municipal and drainage water with the aim to enable reuse of that water again in irrigation or plumbing. Bio-engineering infiltration constructions (BIC) and floating bioplato with macrophytes are indicated as environmentally sustainable and economically suitable methods in wastewater treatment peculiarly in a semi-arid area suffering from drought
Mariapoljar,Dagmar ?tafa,Ana Ostoji?,Tvrtko Dra?ina
Ribarstvo : Croatian Journal of Fisheries , 2011,
Abstract: Tufa deposition and accompanying periphyton community were studied on artificial substrates, in karst Jankovac Stream (Papuk Nature Park, Croatia). Influence of environmental parameters on protozoans and metazoans in periphyton were assessed in two microhabitats, differed in flow velocity (fast 1.28 0.61 m s-1, medium 0.56 0.50 m s-1), and across different exposure period (one and two months). Measured environmental parameters indicated oligotrophic water condition. Samples collected in fast flow velocity reached significantly higher tufa deposition (0.26 0.04 mg cm-2 d-1) contrary to those in medium flow velocity (0.09 0.01 mg cm-2 d-1). Results of our study suggested that tufa deposition increased with temperature, flow velocity, amount of organic matter and algal biomass. In total, 26 taxa were identified on artificial substrate, among them 16 ciliate and 5 rotifer taxa. Most taxa recorded low abundance in periphyton, < 10 ind cm-2. Just few taxa achieved higher maximum abundances, i.e., ciliates: Chilodonella cucullulus (28 ind cm-2), Vorticella similis (68 ind cm-2) and rotifers: bdelloids (55 ind cm-2) and Dicranophorus forcipatus (64 ind cm-2). Periphyton community achieved statistically significant higher abundance in fast than in medium flow velocity microhabitats, with increasing effect through the longer exposure. We presume that oligotrophic conditions in karst running water facilitate tufa deposition. In this study we revealed microscopic freshwater organisms, often neglected in investigation, but very important in food webs as link to gastropods, crustaceans, insect larvae, juvenile and adult fish.
Hranidbene skupine obli?a u sedrenim stani?tima (Plitvi?ka jezera, Hrvatska)
Dra?ina, Tvrtko,Habdija, Ivan,Primc, Biserka,poljar, Maria
- , 2014,
Abstract: Sa?etak Slobodno?ivu?i, nenametni?ki obli?i su va?an segment u svim benti?kim stani?tima. Oni su prisutni u velikoj brojnosti te svojim prehrambenim navikama zna?ajno utje?u na bakterije, alge, detritus i meiofaunu u perifitonu i sedimentu. Glavni ciljevi ovog rada su bili utvrditi vertikalnu distribuciju obli?a i njihove hranidbene skupine u mahovinom prekrivenim sedernim barijerama Nacionalnog Parka Plitvi?ka jezera tijekom jedne godine. Ukupno smo utvrdili 23 svojte obli?a s maksimalnom brojno??u od 198 ind. 10 cm–2 u proljetnom razdoblju. U mahovinama i u sedrenom sedimentu dominantna hranidbena skupina bili su obli?i s bode?i?em - ?isisava?i“. Velika brojnost obli?a iz skupine Adenophorea i visoke vrijednosti MI indeksa (eng. Maturity index) potvrdile su ?isti, nezaga?eni vodeni medij i oligotrofno stanje ekosustava. Navedeni rezultati ukazuju da obli?i, brojno??u i biomasom, imaju va?nu ulogu u sedimentima kr?kih voda
Nematode feeding types in a tufa-depositing environment (Plitvice Lakes, Croatia)
Dra?ina, Tvrtko,Habdija, Ivan,Primc, Biserka,poljar, Maria
- , 2014,
Abstract: Sa?etak Free-living nematodes are an important group in all benthic habitats. They occur in high abundance and due to the feeding types they have strong influence on bacteria, algae, detritus and meiofauna in periphyton and sediments. The main aims of this study were to determine the vertical distribution of nematodes and their feeding types within the moss-covered tufa barrier over a one year period in Plitvice Lakes National Park. Altogether 23 taxa were identified with a maximum value of 198 ind. 10 cm-2 in spring. Stylet-bearing suction feeders were the dominant nematode feeding type in bryophytes and in the deeper layers of the tufa substrates. The domination of Adenophorea and the high value of the maturity index (MI) confirmed that this was clean, unpolluted water and showed the oligotrophic state of investigated habitat. The results demonstrated that nematodes, due to their high abundance and biomass, play an important role in karst water sediments
- , 2014,
Abstract: Sa?etak Brojni su uzroci nastanka ulkusa na donjim ekstremitetima. naj?e??i uzroci su kroni?na venska insuficijencija, periferna okluzivna bolest arterija i dijabetes. dio ulkusa mije?ane je etiologije: kroni?ne venske insuficijencije i periferne okluzivne bolesti arterija. Ateroskleroza je glavni ?imbenik nastanka periferne okluzivne bolesti arterija.U bolesnika oboljelih od dijabetesa najva?niji ?imbenici nastanka ulkusa su distalna, simetri?na europatija i periferna okluzivna bolest arterija. rje?i uzroci nastanka kroni?nog ulkusa na potkoljenici su hematolo?ke, autoimune, genetske, infektivne i primarne bolesti ko?e, neoplazme, nuspojave primjene nekih lijekova, terapijskih postupaka, te posljedica djelovanja drugih vanjskih ?imbenika. pri utvr?ivanju etiologije koristimo se anamnezom, inspekcijom, palpacijom, testovima kojima utvr?ujemo vensku insuficijenciju i perifernu okluzivnu bolest arterija. Koristimo se pretragama iz krvi, uzimanjem uzoraka tkiva za mikrobiolo?ku, mikolo?ku, patolo?ko histolo?ku analizu (pHd) i direktnu imunofluorescentnu pretragu (diF)). Ulkusi razli?ite etiologije mogu imati istu ili sli?nu klini?ku sliku, te je potrebno provesti i pretrage uz uporabu medicinskih aparata. Dobro poznavanje ?iroke diferencijalne dijagnoze klju?no je za pravilan izbor terapije
- , 2013,
Abstract: Sa?etak Brojni su uzroci nastanka ulkusa na donjim ekstremitetima. Naj?e??i je venski ulkus u bolesnika s kroni?nom venskom insuficijencijom. rje?a je pojava arterijskog ulkusa, koji je posljedica periferne okluzivne bolesti arterija, naj?e??e ateroskleroze. Dio ulkusa posljedica je kombinacije periferne okluzivne bolesti arterija i kroni?ne venske insuficijencije. u sklopu dijabetesa melitusa i dijabeti?ke neuropatije javlja se ulcus neurotrophicus. Posljedica je distalne, simetri?ne neuropatije i periferne okluzivne bolesti arterija. osim u vaskularnih, neuropatskih i metaboli?kih bolesti ulkus se pojavljuje i u sklopu hematolo?kih, autoimunih, genetskih, infektivnih i primarnih bolesti ko?e, neoplazmi, kod primjene nekih lijekova, terapijskih postupaka i djelovanja drugih vanjskih ?imbenika. Pri utvr?ivanju etiologije koristimo se anamnezom, inspekcijom, palpacijom, testovima kojima utvr?ujemo vensku insuficijenciju i perifernu okluzivnu bolest arterija. ulkusi razli?ite etiologije mogu imati istu ili sli?nu klini?ku sliku te je potrebno provesti dodatne dijagnosti?ke pretrage: iz krvi, uzorka tkiva [mikrobiolo?ka, mikolo?ka analiza, patolo?ko histolo?ke analize (PHD), direktna imunofluorescentna pretraga (DIF)]. koriste se pretrage uz uporabu medicinskih aparata: mjerenje gle?anjskog indeksa (ankle brachial pressure indeks - AbPI), ultrazvu?ne pretrage, pletizmografija, MSCT i Mr angiografija, digitalna supstracijska angiografija (DSA), arteriografija, venografija, limfoscintigrafija, radiolo?ka pretraga te kapilaroskopija. osim mikrobiolo?ke analize rane ne postoje pretrage koje bi mogle dati to?nu informaciju o statusu same rane
- , 2014,
Abstract: Sa?etak Many factors contribute to the pathogenesis of leg ulcers. The main causes are chronic venous insufficiency, peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) and diabetes. Some leg ulcers are caused by combinations of these well-known etiologic factors. The most common cause of PAOD is arteriosclerosis. In diabetic patients, distal symmetric neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease are probably the most important etiologic factors in the development of leg ulcers. Less frequent causes of chronic leg ulcers are hematologic diseases, autoimmune diseases, genetic defects, infections, primary skin disease, cutaneous malignant diseases, use of some medications and therapeutic procedures, and numerous exogenous factors. Diagnosis of leg ulcer is made upon medical history, clinical picture, palpation of arteries, functional testing and serologic testing. Device-based diagnostic testing should be performed for additional clarification. Also, lesion biopsy should be taken for histopathology, direct immunofluorescence, bacteriology and mycology. The knowledge of differential diagnosis is essential for ensuring treatment success in a patient with leg ulcer
poljar, Davor
- , 2015,
Abstract: Sa?etak This paper discusses archaeological finds and sites, which have been discovered in the territory of the municipality of Radoboj in Hrvatsko zagorje and which are dated to various periods of prehistory. The majority of archaeological finds and sites was discovered during the archaeological field survey project of the municipality of Radoboj. The project covered the whole municipality territory, which made Radoboj the first municipality in northwestern Croatia with an official register of archaeological sites and finds and archaeological map based on field survey results. The archaeological finds and sites are presented in the article taking into account their chronological parameters, starting from the oldest periods (e.g. paleolithic) and proceeding towards the more recent ones. Periods of the hunter-gatherer groups are presented with several working camps and base camps, as well as with several accidental archaeological finds. The very first settlements in the Radoboj area can be traced to the Late Phase of the Neolithic period and to the Copper Age. Besides the settlements, those periods are also presented with accidental chipped and polished lithic finds. Dating from the periods of Late Bronze Age and Iron Age three hilltop settlements, one barrow necropolis, and some accidental finds of pottery were discovered on the Strahinj??ica Mountain. The barrow necropolis Podstenje, the only Late Halstatt Period necropolis discovered in northwestern Croatia, is discussed in greater detail as it was also the first archaeological site in the territory of northwestern Croatia, excavated between 1850 and 1860. The results of the revision research of the necropolis are also presented
poljar, Davor
- , 2015,
Abstract: Sa?etak Résumé Cet article traite d’objets et de sites archéologiques découverts sur le territoire de la commune de Radoboj à Zagorje, et qui appartiennent à différentes périodes de la préhistoire. La majorité des objets et des sites archéologiques a été découverte pendant le projet d’inventaire archéologique de la commune de Radoboj. Le projet a couvert tout le territoire de la commune, ce qui a fait de Radoboj la première commune du Nord-Ouest de la Croatie à être dotée d’une liste officielle de sites et d’objets archéologiques, ainsi que d’une carte archéologique, toutes deux basées sur les résultats de l’inventaire. Les objets et sites archéologiques sont présentés dans cet article selon des paramètres chronologiques, en commen?ant par les périodes les plus anciennes (par exemple, le paléolithique) jusqu’aux périodes les plus récentes. Plusieurs zones de travail et de sites d’habitation, ainsi que quelques objets archéologiques isolés montrent la présence de cueilleurs-chasseurs. Les tout premiers habitats dans les environs de Radoboj datent de la fin de la période néolithique et de l’age du cuivre. Mise à part les habitats, ces périodes sont aussi représentées par des industries lithiques isolées, polies et fa?onnées. Nous avons découvert trois habitats fortifiés, une nécropole de tumulus et quelques objets isolés de poterie sur le mont Strahinj??ica, qui datent des périodes de l’age du bronze final et de l’age du fer. La nécropole de tumulus Podstenje, une nécropole de la fin du premier age de fer située dans le Nord-Ouest de la Croatie, y est également détaillée. La nécropole est aussi le premier site archéologique du territoire du Nord-Ouest de la Croatie à avoir fait l’objet de fouilles entre 1850 et 1860. Les résultats de la révision de ces fouilles sont aussi présentés

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